B0 |
CS & Track Introduction CS Intro, How Internet Works ?, How Web Sites Works?, What is Markup Languages?, What is HTML & CSS? |
1 م / 4 س
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B1 |
HTML & CSS XML, HTML 4, Basic CSS Properities, More CSS Design & Sorting Elements, PhotoShop for Web, Light Project |
4 م / 16 س
350 |
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B2 |
HTML5 & Advanced CSS Properites HTML5 Basic Elements, Rest of HTML Elements, CSS3 & Advanced CSS Properites, CSS3 Effects, Web Design Coding Project WorkShop |
4 م / 16 س
350 |
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B3 |
JavaScript & jQuery for Web Designers Using JS and Language Principles, Variables, Objects, Arrays, Operators, Conditions, Functions in JS, Branching, Loops, .. And Error handling, JS HTML DOM - Properites, Methods and Events, JS Objects, Using jQuery, jQuery Selectors, Work with DOM in jQuery, Animation Effects using jQuery |
4 م / 16 س
400 |
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A1 |
HTML5 API's Advanced HTML5 Elements, HTML5 API's (HTML Drag/Drop, HTML Local Storage, HTML App Cache, HTML Geolocation, HTML Web Workers, HTML SSE), HTML5 Graphics |
4 م / 16 س
400 |
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A2 |
Advanced JS & jQuery Advanced Topics and Tricks in JS & jQuery,Regular Expression, More JS Objects, jQuery Plugins, jQuery UI Library, AJAX using jQuery |
2 م / 8 س
250 |
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M1 |
SEO for Web Developers SEO for Developers, Write Best HTML & CSS Code, Optmizing WebSites Speed (Design & Development), Overview of Web Advertising (for Publishers & Advertisers) & E-Marketing |
2 م / 8 س
250 |
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B4 |
Bootstrap Framework Bootstrap Framework Classes, Building Responsive Web Sites |
2 م / 8 س
Design FW
150 |
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B5 |
PHP & MySQL Level 1 PHP Intro, Installation, Syntax, Variables, Data types, Operations, Branching & Condition Statments, Arrays, Sessions, Error Handling, Ajax, What is Databases, MySQL DB, Creating Database, Inserting, Updating, Deleting and Sorting Data, Connecting and Using DB |
6 م / 24 س
550 |
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B6 |
Website Development Project Workshop Developing PHP Website Project WorkShop, Hosting Configuration & Uploading and Running Web Site in the Real World |
3 م / 12 س
300 |
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A3 |
Advanced PHP & MySQL Advanced PHP Techniques, Developing Web Applications, Advanced Database Concepts, Security Techniques, E-commerce Techniques, Object-Oriented Programming With PHP, Framework Overview, CMS Overview, Using PEAR, XML and PHP, Advanced MYSQL, MDB2 |
7 م / 28 س
800 |
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A4 |
Designing Relational Databases What Data Is ?, Storing Data, Designing Relational Databases (Normalization), Database Diagrams (ERD, SOM) |
3 م / 12 س
300 |
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B7 |
CodeIgniter Framework Concepts, Basics, Database, Security, Utilities, Configuration, Extending Codeigniter, Project Workshop |
5 م / 20 س
450 |
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B8 |
Yii Framework Exploring Yii, Getting Started with Yii, Starting Development (Using Yii IDE), Testing Your Application, The Photo Application Workshop, Themes, Layout, and User Access, Debugging, Logging, and Error Handling in Yii, Customizing our Album Interface |
4 م / 16 س
450 |
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M2 |
WordPress Essentials Getting to Know WordPress, Getting Started with WordPress, Creating Posts, Creating Pages, Managing Content, Changing the Appearance of Your Site, Extending WordPress with Plugins, Profiles, Users, and Settings, Getting Readers, WordPress behind the Curtain, Maintenance and Security, Diving Further into the World of WordPress |
3 م / 12 س
200 |
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A5 |
WordPress for Developers Designing Your WordPress Site, Themes Development, Website Development |
4 م / 20 س
350 |
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